This past week was Thanksgiving Break! It was so exciting to come home and see all my family. I was mainly excited for two things in particular; one reason was because I could sleep in my bed from home and the other reason was because I couldn’t wait to eat home cooked food for a change. I was seriously going through some type of withdraw from my bed from home. I don’t really mind sleeping on the beds in the dorm but it doesn’t compare to the twin sized bed that is so incredibly comfortable at my house, something about being able to roll around in your bed without the fear of falling off of it is very nice. The food was the next thing that I was missing terribly, other than my family of course. My family and I are vegetarians, so when it comes to thanksgiving turkey is not or first option as something to eat. Normally my mom will cook some amazing fish for all of us to eat and some delicious side dishes but this year it was a little different. This yea some of my family members that are not vegetarians decided to come over and join us for Thanksgiving. To appease everyone my mom decided to make cook the fish and bye some chicken pre made from the store. It was a very strange occurrence in my house to smell chicken when I opened up my refrigerator. The last time that I ever smelled meat in my house was when I was in middle school. Somehow my mom seemed to make both the fish and the chicken work well together for thanksgiving and everyone was very full and the end of dinner, even going into the next day.
Advice: Even though something may seem strange and bizarre to you at first, don’t look to write it off at first glance, give it a try because you could grow and learn from it.